Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
-Matthew 19:14
Weekly Wednesday Meeting Times
St. John (Ogden) | 5th-8th Grade: 2:15-3:15 pm 9th-12th Grade: 6:30-8:00 pm |
Sacred Heart (Boone) | 1st-5th Grade: 5:15-6:15 pm 6th-8th Grade: 6:30-7:30 pm 9th-12th Grade: 7:45-8:45 pm Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (3-6 year old)* 4:00-5:00 pm 5:15-6:15 pm 6:30-7:30 pm *We will offer two of these time slots based on popularity. |
Weekly Wednesday Meeting Times
St. John (Ogden) | 5th-8th Grade: 2:15-3:15 pm 9th-12th Grade: 6:30-8:00 pm |
Sacred Heart (Boone) | 1st-5th Grade: 5:15-6:15 pm 6th-8th Grade: 6:30-7:30 pm 9th-12th Grade: 7:45-8:45 pm Catechesis of the Good Shepherd (3-6 year old)* 4:00-5:00 pm 5:15-6:15 pm |
For our youngest parishioners, we offer a Catechesis of the Good Shepherd Level I atrium at Sacred Heart Church in Boone. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a Montessori style
The 3-6-year-old child is particularly capable of receiving and enjoying the most essential elements of our faith—the announcement of God’s love especially experienced through Jesus, the Good Shepherd, who died and is risen. Materials on the life of Jesus Christ and his teachings help to make the mystery of God concrete for the child. The heart of the catechesis for children under six revolves around the Parable of the Good Shepherd. Jesus announces that he is the Good Shepherd who calls each one by name. The sheep listen to the voice of the Shepherd and follow him.
The 3-6 year old child enters the mystery of the Eucharist by first learning the names of the articles used on the altar and then through the most important gestures including the preparation of the chalice, the epiclesis and offering, and the sign of peace. Through the experience of seeing these gestures, presented one by one, the Mass emerges as the Sacrament of the Gift. The child becomes acquainted with the historical character of the liturgy through the events of the Last Supper, Christ’s death, and His resurrection.
Sharing the Light of Faith - National Catechetical Directory of the United States
We believe that when a teenager encounters Christ through the beauty of the Catholic faith, they will transform their parish, community, and culture.
The goal of Edge is to provide a safe and fun place for youth to find a solid Catholic community, get answers to their questions, and, most importantly, to experience Jesus in a profound and personal way.
Each Edge night follows the following format:
Bring a friend and join us at Life Teen!
What about Confirmation?
This year we are including Confirmation Prep in our Life Teen program. Once per month, 10th graders will receive a Confirmation Specific lesson while all other grades participate in a bible study of the upcoming Sunday readings.
Volunteers Needed
In order to continue to build our Life Teen program, we are in need of small group leaders! Please contact Megan Ulrich ( if you are interested in bringing Christ to our middle school youth.
We are excited to help you prepare your child for their important sacraments!
At our parish, students typically receive instruction and the sacraments in the following years:2nd Grade | First Reconciliation (Confession) First Communion |
10th Grade | Confirmation |