Silvio Jose Baez, Auxiliary Bishop of Managua, Nicaragua, has attempted to shepherd the Catholic Church in a country that is the second poorest in the Western Hemisphere.
With such a brief interlude from the ending of Christmas season (with Epiphany) to Ash Wednesday this week, we’ve had little to consider our efforts of renewal these upcoming forty days.
We are creating an email group for individuals wishing to receive more faith-based information via email. This could be Novenas, ways to grow in faith, video series for specific times in the Liturgical year (Lent/Advent), etc. Emails would be limited to an additional 2-3 emails per month. Click the image to add your email to the list.
We now have a page devoted to all things Lent. Find our Stations of the Cross, Fish Fry dinners, and all our Holy Week Services. Click here or find it under the Prayer tab.
Please see the attached information for the revised retreat schedule. The time frame will be 12-5 pm, later than planned for our original date. We are so glad that our youth will be able to be a part of our parish mission with Eucharistic Revival speaker Anthony Digmann in addition to hearing from our Sioux City friends Fred & Kara from Draw Near. Please see the attached flier. This is a part of our Confirmation program and 9th and 10th graders, but 11th and 12th graders are welcome to attend too!