Veterans (and their loved ones) are invited to join us for our all-school Mass on Wednesday, Nov. 13th. Immediately following Mass, we will have a light luncheon in Fitzgerald Hall.
For the past few years St. Malachy church has given a percentage of their monthly tithing to local charities, a practice of generosity and compassion. But more so, a sacred act of faith sharing our blessings out of our plenty or need, acknowledging our trust in our God who will provide regardless of the times.
“Go, sell what you have, and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven; then come, follow me. "(MK 10;21) As defined in scripture the root word of ‘treasure’ means “to hoard, to store up anything that is collected together (corn, oil, gold, silver, etc.)”.
All kids 5th grade and younger are invited to dress up like their favorite saint and come trick or treat in the Sacred Heart School parking lot Wednesday, Nov.6th from 5:15-6:30 pm.
We are a month removed from voting, both nationally, statewide and, locally. Politics can be contentious and emotional, facing constant communication on issues and concerns, driving fears and hopes.