Join us on Thursday, July 13th, from 7-9 pm for another Party on the Patio. We will be located on the green space just outside Sacred Heart Parish Hall. Dan Jones will be our featured entertainer and we will provide snacks and drinks. Be sure to bring a chair and invite a friend. See you then!
“Are not two sparrows sold for a small coin? Yet not one of them falls to the ground without your Father’s knowledge. So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”
Two weeks ago we ordained Peter Pham to the priesthood for our diocese, now assigned to serve as Pastoral Assistant for John Paul II Parish of Carroll. Mind you, his assignment alongside the pastor, Fr. Pat Behm, is considerable, covering two churches in Carroll, and services in Dedham, Coon Rapids, and Glidden while maintaining the churches in Roselle and Wiley.
Now a faith-based education is within reach for more students in Iowa. Does your child qualify for an Education Savings Account (ESA)? The deadline to sign up is approaching fast (June 30th)! Sacred Heart School is an accredited non-public that qualifies for ESA funds. Click here to read more.
Our celebration this Sunday of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi Sunday) carries a bit more relevance this year of the National Eucharistic Revival. There has been concern about the “Real Presence” within the Eucharist we are privileged to receive. Not the truth of such, but the wandering belief of such within the faithful. Regardless of the size of the church or that of the congregation gathered, the culture or circumstances within the country, whenever the Eucharist is celebrated, the Real Presence is absolute.
As we have been informed, the Bishop is allowing the Precious Blood to be offered on weekend Masses beginning next week, Corpus Christi Sunday. At each Mass there will be two ministers of the Precious Blood offering the Cup for those who wish to partake. Three or four years have passed since we last were able to offer the Precious Blood. Bishop Nickless re-iterates a few considerations with the renewal of the Precious Blood offered.