In the movie “Rhythm of God” a priest is asked how many were at the early weekday Mass. He replied, “There were three old ladies, the janitor, several thousand archangels, a large number of seraphim, and several million of the triumphant saints of God.”
World Mission Sunday, the second to last Sunday in October, is a day for all Catholics throughout the world to reflect on their own baptismal call and recommit themselves to the missionary work activity through prayer and sacrifice, inspired by the gift of faith passed on to each of us.
During the month of October the Knights of Columbus at St. Malachy's will be collecting baby items to be donated to organizations that support expecting mothers as they choose life. Baby cribs will be placed at both entrances to collect the items. Diapers, blankets, and other items for newborns are needed. Your generosity is greatly appreciated. God bless!
Calling all Ascension Women! Please join us in Fitzgerald Hall (Boone) on October 24th for a fun evening of fellowship. We will be making Mason Jar Luminaries to take home, no experience or supplies necessary. Fellowship will begin at 6:30 p.m. with craft following from 7 - 8 p.m.
Every couple weeks or so I share a conversation with a good college friend who retired from education two years ago. As we age into our sixties our conversation jumps from family, to books read, recent ‘adventures, health (or lack there of), briefly on sports (baseball), bit on music (classic), incidents within our country. Our phone conversation a few days ago jumped to a new and alarming topic: the tragedy in the Holy Land.
We are still in need of three more baskets for our Fall Dinner silent auction. If you can help, please let us know.
Join us for our annual Fall Dinner at SH held on Sunday, Nov. 5th from 10:45 - 12:45 p.m. A pork loin dinner will be served and there will be a silent auction. Dinner is $10 adults & $5 kids (10 and under).
“The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone; by the Lord has this been done, and it is wonderful in our eyes.?” Jesus’ parable in today’s gospel emphasizes the very foundation of who we are, and the Light that guides us forward as Christian men and women.
“The Lord’s way is not fair,” from Ezekiel 18:25, our first reading this weekend; such grumbling seems to reflect the mindset of many. What is ‘fair’ from the standpoint of our Creator?