The 10 a.m. Sunday Mass at Sacred Heart will be held at the Herman Park Pavilion in Boone. There will NOT be a Sunday Mass held in the church in Boone.
Some twenty five years ago when the diocese sponsored an annual priests’ retreat on Briar Cliff campus, I still recall one ‘retreat master’ who guided us with his reflections/conferences throughout the two days. A priest from outside our diocese who talks centered on our mission as “priest servants” of the people.
Do you desire to grow in your Catholic faith? Do you seek connection with other women in our parish community? We invite you to consider Walking With Purpose, a Catholic women's Bible study program. (Click to read more)
Tuesday is the beginning of the new school year for families whose sons and daughters will attend Sacred Heart Catholic School, Ogden Community School, Madrid Community School, Boone Community School, Ballard-Huxley and Boone United School. As the norm, summer vacation went by all too quickly, but the routine, activities, classmates, studies and responsibilities bring about a renewed energy and positive challenges for students, teachers and families.
I was never a Dodger fan or for that matter, interested in the National League. My Orioles preoccupied any interest in baseball from the greatest manager (Earl Weaver) to the last team with four twenty game winners (Palmer, Queller, McNally, Dobson) to the recent years of dismal play. But the Dodgers had Vin Scully who stayed with the team in the emotional move from Brooklyn through the many years of their history in Los Angeles.
There has been questions asked pertaining to Bishop Nickless’ retirement, and when a new bishop will be appointed. As Canon Law mandates, a Bishop must send in his letter of resignation when he reaches the age of 75. Whether or not the Pope acts on immediately is another case.
We offer Religious Education classes for Elementary through High School children at all three of our Boone County Churches. (Boone, Ogden and Madrid) Sign up today!
Avarice. Rapacity. Acquisitiveness. Cupidity. Avidity. “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's needs, but not every man's greed.” (Mahatma Gandhi). As our gospel passage from Luke details, “greed” by any definition causes us to venture far from the Christian faith we hold, the presence of Christ in our daily lives and endeavors.