Our bulletin will cover the next two weeks of July, within this season of midsummer. Looking ahead, as the days of summer so quickly go by, I invite those who desire to join the Catholic faith, those who have questions about the RCIA journey to be received into the Sacramental life of our Church, and those who simply desire more information about our traditions, Sacraments and Rituals to please contact me at the parish office.
Currently, a small group of women is meeting once a week as part of a 6-week Bible Study called, Walking with Purpose (see video below). It is our plan to offer the full program this Fall. Click here to open the article and have your name added to our list for a Fall group!
Beginning this Monday (11th) the new Mass schedule will go into affect. Without Fr. Ross’ presence we need to readjust the times during the week and weekend. Not what either Fr Ross or I expected at this time, and with any consideration about Mass times, the schedule is not perfect.
Just a week into summer vacation, waking up and heading downstairs for breakfast, this eleven year old was pulled aside by his mother. Not for some discipline or punishment (though I surely deserved anything coming my way), but to call my attention to the breaking news on TV: the sudden death of a well known family man and Senator.