Tuesday is All Saints Day, a holy day of obligation. More than an obligatory feast day, our pause each November 1st celebrates this wild, infectious, holy community of men and women in heaven; their unique personalities, abilities, character, language, and ethnicity radiates the promise of God’s image and calling within each individual’s earthly life.
Seems the pastoral plan for Boone County Catholic churches continues to be a bit perplexing. Though the Diocese has recently decreed our ‘overall’ parish name as Ascension—after a process that began in the summer months—we are not able to officially use the name until the first of the year. Likewise, our finances for the two parishes will remain separate for the next several months or longer per the diocesan directive.
All adults and students interested in attending the March for Life in Washington D.C are invited to attend a meeting after Masses at St. Malachy and Sacred Heart on Sunday, October 23rd. This will be a final meeting before registration which is due November 1
Calling All Boone County Catholic Ladies! Join us for an evening of fun, inspiration, & fellowship! Altar Society will have its first meeting Tuesday, October 25, 2022, 7:00 pm Fitzgerald Hall (Click here for all the details)
As many already know, Bishop Nickless has reinstated the Sign of Peace as part of our liturgy. With that, he is asking that we priests communicate his thoughts on this ritual; 3 October 2022
Last Sunday on the bike trail I came upon an elderly gentleman who was standing alongside the trail, his bike parked next to him. No special riding gear; comfortably dressed in blue jeans, t- shirt and sneakers.
We step into Respect Life Month, a reminder of the dignity of all life from conception to natural death—and those who have been forgotten, alienated, ignored, or simply ‘written off.’ Pope Francis offers us words of hope, re-affirming our Christian awareness and protection of God’s gift of life: “Every child who, rather than being born, is condemned unjustly to being aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who even before he was born, and then just after birth, experienced the world’s rejection. And every elderly person...even if he is ill or at the end of his days, bears the face of Christ.