We are a month removed from voting, both nationally, statewide and, locally. Politics can be contentious and emotional, facing constant communication on issues and concerns, driving fears and hopes. Our United States Catholic Conference of Bishops calls us as citizens to participate by voting and to examine and consciously consider our Catholic values and faith as barometers. Following is a general guideline authored by the Bishops of our country to aid our decisions on the candidates and issues we will vote upon. Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship. We vote because we are citizens. But we vote conscientiously because we are people of faith. Our consciences are formed through studying Scripture and the teachings of the Church, examination of the facts, and prayerful reflection. While there are many moral issues before us, every issue is not equal. *Issues that directly affect human lives—such as abortion and euthanasia—are fundamental and demand serious consideration. *Our Constitution heralds religious liberty in the First Amendment, yet increasingly people of faith are having to fight to retain this basic right. *There is a move in the nation to redefine marriage. The marriage of a man and woman is the foundation of the family and an essential core element of a flourishing society. *The growing disparity between rich and poor means most of the world’s resources are in the hands of a small percentage of its people. The federal budget is a moral document and must prioritize the poorest and most vulnerable among us. *The millions of undocumented persons living in the United States deserve our compassion. There is an immigration problem, and we need a humane solution to it. *War, terror, and violence have caused thousands of lost lives. We must work for just solutions to conflict in the Holy Land, Ukraine, throughout the Middle East, and beyond. As Catholic citizens, we should remember three things: Respect for the dignity of each person is the core of the Catholic social and moral teaching. This is our most basic principle; We focus on the common good, not our own personal interests. We ask, how can we make the world a better place? Not, how can I improve my own personal situation; We have a responsibility—a true obligation—to form our consciences and participate in the civic life of this nation. Here are some ways to do that. *Be true to the teachings of the Church. Read Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, teachings from the Holy Spirit, and the statements of our bishops. Read ‘Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship’ at faithful citizenship.org. We need to be sure that our reasoning and judgments are well-grounded in our faith. *Stay well informed about issues through judicious and reasoned engagement with the immense world of information in the twenty-first century. Just as all issuers are not equal, all sources are not equal. For example, an individual’s blog—while potentially very insightful—may not have the same fidelity to factual truth as our media sources that hold themselves to professional standards of journalistic ethics, imperfect though they are. *Remain in contact with our representatives in local, state, and federal government. Our responsibility to form our consciences leads to an obligation to be active citizens. We communicate regularly with our leaders—not only during election seasons. *Engage in reasoned, compassionate, and loving dialogue with others—Catholics and non-Catholics alike—about the issues and choices that we are facing as a nation. Remember that we are called first to witness the Gospel, and through that witness, to share our social teaching, to highlight the moral dimensions of issues, and to participate in debate on public policy. *The dual calling of faith and citizenship lies at the heart of what it means to be a Catholic in the United States. We stand on the shoulders of many Catholics who have gone before us, who have helped the United States of America become a better country because of their faith in a loving God. We care, therefore, we vote. God Bless, Fr. Tim FYI: “Let us not seek the Republican answer or the Democratic answer, but the right answer. Let us not seek to fix the blame for the past. Let us accept our own responsibility for the future.” (John F. Kennedy)